Sunday, December 6, 2009

Seminar Rubric

All week room 23 has been doing seminar presented my seminar on Wednesday I think I done a great job on my seminar on a Lawyer.

Sunday, November 29, 2009

Science Lab

On Monady 16th of November room 23 and most of year 8 went to the science lab at Pukukohe High School. We went to the lab for science activity's we learn't about the bunsen burner and the two flames it produces. The first flame was the yellow flame this flame is known as the safety flame the second flame was the blue flame witch is known as the heating flame. We boiled water using the yellow flame first the time it was to was 2:25 minutes the blue flame took 1:19.

Wednesday, November 25, 2009

Career's Day

On Thursday the 19th November all of year 8 went to careers day. Careers Day is when parents come to talk about their career to the students. The first career I went to see was a director of sales he taut as what a DOS is and the rewarding parts of his job. Next I went to a sports coordinator we learn't about what she does and we played some games. The last career was a business analyst he taut us about what he does we he works and why he works there the day was very fun and I learn't lots.


Every Friday room 23 and other year 8 classes got to step dancing for the year 8 leavers social.The social is in week 9 every body is excited our dance teacher is Simon he teaches as dances such Tango, Cha Cha, Reggae and Rock N Roll. we are all prepared for the dance in week 9 because every won is going to have fun.

Monday, November 23, 2009

Athletics Day

On Tuesday 17th Pukekohe Intermediate School went to competitive athletics at Turners & Growers stadium. I competed in shot put and long jump, the fist event I competed in was in shot put I did not make it but I tried my hardest. After shot put I done long jump I made 4.3m I did not make it to zone but it was a real pleasure to go competitive athletics.

Tuesday, October 13, 2009

Music Website

For my music authentic challenge I had to create a music website.My music website is named TECHNOCALLITY. We have six pages on the website, Home Page, Photo Gallery, Playlist, Biography, Films, and Albums. I used a dark grey background for my website theme.

Tuesday, August 25, 2009

Music Enrichment

Me, Brandon and Mr Scott teach Garage Band for Music Enrichment. Garage Band is an audio media program which will allow you to customize or construct music. Me and Brandon have made three songs in Garage Band it took us a few months too make these songs. Me and Brandon have taught one class and now we are teaching our second class. We hope to have as much amusement with the second class as we did with the first.

Monday, August 24, 2009

MI Graph

The MI Graph stands for Multiple Intellegences we toke this test on August Friday the 14th. My results for the test said that I am Music smart there were 8 Multiple Intellegences the 8 Multiple Intellegences are:

Body Smart
Word Smart
Number Smart
People Smart
Myself Smart
Music Smart
Picture Smart
Nature Smart

The least I scored in was Number Smart.

Monday, July 20, 2009


Expostion Rubric


Science Fair Results

Fonterra Science Road Show

On Monday 20th July room 23 went to the Fonterra Science Road Show. The show had lots of experiments and other items like hands on activity's and activity's you have to read. the show was based on planet earth. My favorite activity in the Fonterra Science Road Show was the sound waves category because we had to listen to three types of sound Pitch, Amplitude, and Frequency. I really enjoyed the Fonterra Science Road Show I would love to see them come back next term.

Thursday, June 4, 2009

The Mural

Our class is now making a mural on how to save the mauis dolphin. We now have a painter called Vanessa who is going to paint the mural for us. Our mural is trying to help save the mauis dolphin and to help bane set nets.

Tuesday, June 2, 2009


On Wednesday week 5 we had our first tapuae match we won by 7 points. The second match we played was on Wednesday week 6 we won 10-6 and now we are going to vs room 28 and 43 on friday.

Speech Assessment

Monday, June 1, 2009


I have 4 bronze certificates and 1 silver on mathletics it was hard to get them but managed to get them. You have to get 1000 points to get a certificate.

Tuesday, May 5, 2009

Maths Poster

This is our maths week poster that we had to do for maths week.

Wednesday, April 29, 2009

BubbleShare: Share photos - Find great Clip Art Images.
On Wednesday 8th April we went over to room 36 our buddy class for a shared lunch and a game of dodge ball. We all had a great time and we hope that we can have another shared lunch with our cool buddy class room 36.

Monday, April 27, 2009


This is our i-Web homepage. Our topic was smoking we worked hard on our i web It took us 2 weeks to complete.It was a tough change but we managed to succeed in our i web and we are proud that we completed our i web.

Wednesday, April 8, 2009

Deep Trouble


This Term we were learning about D A.R.E. Constable Sheree was our D.A.R.E Youth education officer taught us the meaning of D.A.R.E Decision making, Assertiveness, Responsibility, Esteem. We were taught how to resist drugs and the effects of them some of the drugs we learn't were marijuana, cocaine, P, Steroids. We also learn't about harmful and non harmful drugs It was a fun and great privilege to work with Constable Sheree.

The Unfair Day

Methamphetamine Facts

Thursday, April 2, 2009

Hard Materials

2009 Pukekohe Intermediate Hard Materials. We attend this class every week Day 5 period 3 & 4 .Hard Materials has changed over the year the school has bought new tools like saws, glue and hammers for our class room project Mr Sibley is the hard materials teacher.

Our latest project is the plastic key ring. First you cut your pieces of plastic then glue it. Wait for 5 minutes so the glue can dry.

After the glue has dried you put plastic in the vice for 10-15 you take your plastic out and sand it with the sander.

When you,re finished sanding you drill a hoe in it. After that you sand it with a special waterproof sandpaper you have finished your plastic key ring.

It is a great opportunity to work with Mr Sibley's Workshop. Ive enjoyed the project and I am looking forward to term 2.

Tuesday, February 3, 2009

Room23 2009 ICT Classroom

Room23 Pukekohe Intermediate has changed over the past year some of these changes are three new students and 15 inch apple I Mac flat screens and much more. This year we are going to learn more advanced technology and continue more work on the computers.

Goals 2009
Bot Award
Food Technology
Hard Materials Technology